Culture Vulture

Even though I feel peaceful at the mountains, but sometimes its important to go outside wherever you are, whoever you are, Go outside and road around any places where you can see lots of people around there, like a park, market or a complex. Just sit there and watch people carefully. You will definitely get to know the actual culture of any particular area. When you see people, your perspective will automatically be enhanced.

Lets go to the mall, Somewhere, you will see an anxious environment between their modern children and their mother, maybe the charges are unethically high, due to which the mother straightforwardly denied, and must have slightly turned their kids embarrassed after trying any dress. You will see any couple, where the girl is posing for his reel content to be shot by his boyfriend. You can see a newly married couple hanging around just looking shy to each other, hands in hands, imagine her husband is might thinking, Oh God, please let this girl, don’t shop for anything which I can’t afford, I cant deny her. And the lady might be thinking, I cant ask him for me to buy any gift, but he should must buy something, c’mon, couples does this all the time. Somewhere you might see a spoilt brat girl, who is arguing his father for not buy the Black Jacket, even after spending thousands of bucks on this day and now he is angry because the girl has already 10-12 types of Jackets with the same colour. Now come to the girls who came here in a group, which only wanna try all these things and take pictures in the trial room, which are going to post as a story in their insta. They are here just because they weren’t outside of their hostel for few days and all they just wanna get well dressed and go outside.

I understand that, Culture is a term which we meant our folklore, sculpture, historic places, upbringing values, temples, holy books. But now a days, the view of a mall, which I stated earlier, is a new culture. What we see in a public places is form of a culture of any place, which I have learnt so far.